Hub and Spoke Infrastructure
At a Steering Committee meeting in July 2016, the
hub and spoke model
was put forward as a best practice for the BCDL project. The hub and spoke model connects different organizations, in varying sizes and complexities, in a distributed network of content and service providers. S
ervice hubs
, may provide different services from a full menu of standardized digital services which could include digitatizion, metadata assistance, data aggregation and storage.
Content hubs
are usually larger digital libraries, museums and repositories that maintain a one-to-one relationship with the central repository. The hub and spoke model is used by other larger repository efforts such as DPLA, DigitalNZ and Europa. It provides a way for small and large organizations to participate and be exposed through the same initiative.
While initially the DPLA (Digital Public Library of America –
) platform was the main focus identified through research and stakeholder consultations, Supplejack, the platform that supports DigitalNZ (
), is now considered as the primary candidate.
Supplejack has a strong developer community and consequently the BCDL platform exploration has benefited from regular communication between SuppleJack developers and BCDL Admin team members.
The BCDL Admin team works closely with OurDigitalWorld (ODW) – the service provider for OurOntario . Both initiatives are looking for community-based platforms for similar types of collections and aim to strengthen and advance their initiatives by working together.
Learn more about Supplejack:
BCDL Github Links
- Project documentation (always in progress)
Front End Code:
- Front end code
- Parser files
Arca Discovery Layer
is a collaborative initiative to support the development and implementation of digital repositories at BC post-secondary institutions. It is foundational to the creation of the BCDL. Phase 2 of the Arca project is development of a discovery layer enabling cross-repository search of BC post-secondary digital repositories, including those using repository platforms other than Islandora. Work undertaken by the
Arca Dsicovery Layer Task Group
formed the basis of further investigations of the BCDL infrastructure.